Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
1. Introduction: Commitment to Ethical Business Practices Jedi Sales Consultants Ltd is committed to conducting business with integrity, transparency, and accountability. We strictly prohibit all forms of bribery and corruption in our operations and expect our employees, contractors, and business partners to adhere to the highest ethical standards. This policy aligns with the UK Bribery Act 2010 and other relevant legislation.
2. Scope: Who This Policy Applies To This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, consultants, and any other third parties acting on behalf of Jedi Sales Consultants Ltd. It covers all business activities, transactions, and interactions with clients, government officials, and other external stakeholders.
3. Definition of Bribery and Corruption Bribery is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value to influence a decision improperly. Corruption involves dishonest or fraudulent conduct for personal or business gain. Examples include:
- Offering money, gifts, or hospitality to secure business advantages.
- Making facilitation payments to expedite routine government processes.
- Providing kickbacks or undisclosed commissions.
- Engaging in any practice that compromises fair competition and ethical decision-making.
4. Prohibited Practices Jedi Sales Consultants Ltd strictly prohibits:
- Offering or accepting bribes in any form, including cash, gifts, entertainment, or favours.
- Making facilitation payments, even if they are common practice in certain regions.
- Providing political or charitable donations as a means to gain undue business influence.
- Engaging in conflicts of interest that may lead to biased decision-making.
5. Gifts and Hospitality While normal business hospitality is permitted, it must be:
- Reasonable and proportionate.
- Not intended to influence business decisions unfairly.
- Approved by management where necessary.
- Transparent and properly documented.
6. Responsibilities and Compliance
- Management: Must ensure this policy is effectively communicated and enforced across the organisation.
- Employees and Contractors: Are responsible for understanding and complying with the policy, reporting any concerns, and avoiding any practices that could be perceived as bribery.
- Suppliers and Business Partners: Must adhere to this policy as part of their contractual agreements with Jedi Sales Consultants Ltd.
7. Reporting and Whistleblowing Employees and third parties are encouraged to report any suspected instances of bribery or corruption through:
- Internal reporting channels.
- Confidential whistleblowing procedures.
- Direct communication with senior management.
All reports will be taken seriously, investigated confidentially, and appropriate action will be taken against violators.
8. Training and Awareness Jedi Sales Consultants Ltd will provide ongoing training to employees on anti-bribery laws and ethical business practices. Regular updates and reminders will be issued to reinforce compliance.
9. Enforcement and Consequences of Non-Compliance Violations of this policy will lead to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment or contracts. In cases involving legal breaches, violators may face prosecution under the UK Bribery Act 2010.
10. Policy Review and Continuous Improvement This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with legal requirements. Updates will be made as necessary to address emerging risks and best practices.
Policy Approval
- Effective Date: 18/09/2024
- Last Reviewed Date: 18/09/2024
- Signed by: Nathan Ottaway
- Role: Owner
- Date: 18/09/2024